Responses from MUN
The petition to keep Newfoundland in MUN's logo has surpassed its goal of 1000 signatures, and is still going strong, despite an attempt in The Telegram to discredit the petition (The article isn't online, but I'll type it out sometime soon).There are many well-written, passionate comments on the petition. Here are a few:
"Having read all of the university's official answers, I still don't see the need to change the name of the university in a new ad campaign. The university can huff and puff about being "misunderstood" all they like, but if we, the people who already know and love MUN can "misunderstand" them, that's only greater proof that they are misrepresenting our university to the rest of the world." - #1012A response from from Marketing and Communications can be found in the comments to my last post.
"Memorial University of Newfoundland has prospered as a result of the quality of the students produced at the institution, most of whom are Newfoundlanders. To drop “Newfoundland” for the university’s name, to distance the institution from its roots, is an insult to all Newfoundlanders." - #936
"Who would want to take Newfoundland out of anything? Memorial should be proud to say... of Newfoundland." - #915
"Newfoundland is quickly losing the heritage/culute many of us hold dear. Please do not interfere with our university name and logo. What possible advantages are there to such a change???" - #787
"Please keep Newfoundland in the university's name in all promotional material and please keep the old logo --it may not be modern "art" but it is clear and dignified." - # 217
"The university is in Newfoundland and is part of our province's history and culture. We should be proud of who we are and where we come from." - #749
"Our university isn't just any Memorial University, it is the Memorial University of "Newfoundland". The establishment of this institution and the strides it has made over the decades to become the largest university in Atlantic Canada are a testament to the strides our province has made. Don't rob past, present and future students and faculty of the pride that is linked to the name as it stands, and the place that it stands for, our home...Newfoundland." - #734
"...Newfoundland and Labrador defines who and what we are, Memorial University of Newfoundland can only reflect that if we keep Newfoundland in its name." - #427
"Like everyone on this list I identify and am proud of MUN. Until we are presented with a logical argument demonstrating the pros and cons for a name change/logo change, we would like to keep our Newfoundland University name as MUN. Further, if we are presenting a unique cultural and academic experience of Newfoundland to the global community, why impose a disconnect by branding us with a generic stamp. I just don’t get it…" - #281
"...To the boys who went over the top and never came home, we appreciate it, and so should Memorial University of Newfoundland." - #637
"Without “Newfoundland” there is no memorial." - #379
"The words "of Newfoundland" are integral to of our University's history and founders. The name of a university is based on tradition and should not be adjusted to suit a marketing campaign." - #81
"Memorial University of Newfoundland was named in memoriam of the brave and fine Newfoundlanders who gave their lives so we could enjoy times of peace. We were, at the time, an independent country - not connected with Canada. I am proud of my heritage. As a graduate student at MUN, my wish is to keep the name as it is. The words, "Lest we forget" should be embraced. OUR SMALL COUNTRY OF NEWFOUNDLANDERS LOST A WHOLE GENERATION OF MEN. It's their memories we honour. Let's choose our naming conventions carefully. Logos, no doubt, are important marketing techniques designed to catch and hold our attention so we will make associations with them and remember. Why remove such an important part?" - #620
"...Universities are based on traditions, and familiar, easily recognizable icons are essential to the development and maintenance of traditions. It has been decided, by a small group of people, that we will abandon the use of this traditional and revered icon to facilitate a promotional campaign." - #436
"Our University was built as a Memorial to fellow Newfoundlanders who gave their lives for us. It is their Memorial and Newfoundland should never, never be removed." - #268
"I guess if you think an institution's noble origins are boring and a bummer, then it's okay to take the crest representing them out of the logo. But leaving out the location? Why bother doing something that will doubtless be confusing and controversial, unless there is some compelling reason not to advertise where MUN is? I have heard no such reason as yet." - #288
"There's an important difference between 'rebranding' and changing your identity - MUN is a major part of Newfoundland, and Newfoundland history and tradition are a major part of the university. In a time when we have to fight so hard to keep our Newfoundland culture from disappearing, I find it appaling that one of the great institutions that was built to preserve our history would even consider changing it's identity simply as marketing ploy." - #529
"Born and raised Newfoundlander who believes in never taking the word out of anything ever, ever, ever." - #910
I added another link to the list of articles about the logo change.
The Memorial University of Newfoundland Board of Regents will likely be discussing the new logo at their next meeting. You can send your comments to individual board members (including alumni & student members) at the addresses here:
Technorati tags: Newfoundland, MUN, Memorial University of Newfoundland, logo, St. John's, Canada
Posted in: MUN, Newfoundland on June 26, 2006
One more reason I wish I had won a seat on the Board of Regents during the last election...
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