"IIIIII'm like a birrrrrrd..."
Actually, that Nelly Furtado song rather drives me nuts, but it seems to fit these days. With less than 5 weeks to go until my due date, the "nesting" instinct has kicked in. So far today I've done several loads of laundry, made a dent in the neverending basket of ironing, cleaned out the catalogue bin, reorganized a bookshelf and closet shelf to fit some of the pile of kids books Mom & Dad brought over last weekend, measured the bathroom window for blinds, and shredded a whole pile of old receipts. Whew!!
Tomorrow and Tuesday we have contractors coming in to install tile in the downstairs entryway, and Thursday that upstairs bathroom's being painted. If this kid comes early, the house will be ready!
We may not actually have a clue how to take care of the child, but that's another story.
Posted in: baby on January 28, 2007
This is such an exciting time for you! Enjoy every minute of it! xo
Thanks! :)